iPhone 6 & 6 plus


Hi Mike, I'm considering upgrading to the new iPhone 6 plus from an iPhone 5 and I'm wondering how will Pleco function with the new iPhones 6 & 6 plus? Will there be any issues moving Pleco with all dictionaries and other features to these platforms? Will there be any advantages?

Richard Buckdale


Staff member
We don't have any reason to think there will be, but we won't know for sure until we're actually able to test on the hardware - it's possible there might be some sort of major bug we have to fix before it'll work correctly. (this happened on the iPhone 5 - issue with Apple's new A6 processor that made a large part of our software unusable until we updated it)



I've been debating selling my 5s and iPad3 and consolidating everything onto an iPhone 6 Plus. Since I use Pleco everyday, I need to make sure that using it on the iPhone 6 Plus - in lieu of my iPad - is a reasonably pleasant experience. To that end: I often write characters as part of my flashcard testing. On the iPad the Pleco flashcard module provides a reasonably large amount of space for writing. On the 6 Plus, the absolute space available for writing will be smaller (although presumably proportionally the same as the iPad). In the past on this forum, I advocated for reducing the size of the correct/incorrect buttons in the flashcard module, as I felt they took up too much screen real estate, something that is a premium even on a device as large as the 6 Plus.

So having said all that: is the UI of the flashcard module being altered in any way that will provide more screen real estate? In other words, are any changes coming to the correct/incorrect buttons that would provide more room for the flashcard, the answer/definition, and most importantly (at least to me) room to write?



Staff member
The flashcard button heights for Pleco on iPhones are fixed - the definition / writing area grows to accommodate the size of the screen - so yes, you'd get more space on a larger screen. Here's a screenshot from the 6+ simulator. (this is with the soon-to-be-released 3.2 - with 3.1 it'll show you a blown-up version of the old UI since iOS doesn't know that that version of Pleco knows how to deal with larger screens)

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Sep 18, 2014, 1.43.09 PM.png


Thanks Mike. I forgot to mention that when testing, I use my iPad exclusively in landscape mode, and expect that I would so the same with the 6 Plus. I'm assuming your reply still holds true for landscape orientation.

The only way to truly know how well it'll work for me is of course to get a 6 Plus; you can't download Pleco on the demo units in the stores (they are locked down), and even if I could I'd still need an installation that has a paid license for the flashcard module. (First world problems!)

If anyone in the future uses Pleco on a 6 Plus, please feel free to post a reply with your impressions of how comfortable it is to write in the available space within the flashcard module.

Patrick S.

Great to hear an update for the new phones is imminent. Is there an ETA on version 3.2? My Mandarin class starts up again in a few weeks and I'd love it if Pleco was looking perfect on my soon to be delivered 6 Plus!


Staff member
No, Apple review times are kind of wacky these days so could be a few days or a few weeks.

Patrick S.

I see. Sounds like it can't be helped.

Well, thank you for the reply and for your hard work on the app. and I look forward to a surprise update one of these days! I already pimped Pleco to the other students in my first year evening classes, and I think a few bought the extra features, so I'll be sure to continue recommending it to anyone new in my second year!