IOS custom chinese font?



Is it possible to choose your own custom chinese font in IOS, I see in Android it is possible.
And also, I have an epub with an embedded Chinese font, they are not displaying in Pleco. Pleco use the default Chinese font.
Ibooks and other ebook readers are displaying the embedded font well.



Staff member
Not at the moment, no. We haven't actually encountered very many EPUBs with embedded Chinese fonts so it's not something we've had much reason to support yet, though we can consider adding that for a future update; for now the only way to read a document with a custom font in Pleco would be to open it as a PDF.


disadvantage of using pdf file is that when more characters forming one word, if some characters are on the next page, Pleco only select the characters of one page and not the other page. With epub, Pleco does it very well.


Staff member
That one is going to be addressed soon, actually. With EPUBs the other consideration is that we're not sure if we want to stick with our current web-browser-based approach long term - we think a system based on our own custom text view (which is sickeningly fast - it's what we use now for plaintext files) might be better for most users as long as we make sure it supports major EPUB features like chapters / links / basic rich text. (I don't think we'd take away the existing system, but we'd make this alternative the new default)