[iOS 18.2] Added flashcards with custom Card Type not being shown as already added


I am reading a book and adding both words and chengyu to my flashcards within a single folder.

I set up additional card category 成語 to be able to filter flashcards test profiles using card type, this way I can use a single folder but separate test profiles, to study words and chengyu separately.

However, whenever I change flashcard type from “Chinese Entry” to “成語”, I don’t see anymore that this card has been added to my default category, there’s no dotted line around “plus” button anymore. It seems that dotted line shows only for cards that has “Chinese Entry” type.

Basically, after changing a card type, I have no way to understand that this card has been already added to default category.

Is there a way to solve this problem?


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Staff member
Card Types aren't really meant to be used this way, to be honest - in fact they're probably not going to be editable at all in the next major beta update. Duplicate checking happens within entries of a given type, so since there is no 'chengyu' type in our dictionary databases it wouldn't match up the dictionary entry against the card unless it's a "Chinese Entry" card.

So I would suggest that instead you change these back to Chinese Entry and then separate them some other way - for example, you could create an additional category for 成語 and add a filter to your test to require that in addition to being in your regular folder they also be in that category.