instant access on pocket pc

I've recently switched to the Pocket PC version of Plecodict. The only thing that I cannot figure out how to do on Pocket PC that I did on Palm was the instant access thing.
For example I would be able to highlight text in an SMS and get instant dictionary pop up to traslate it on the fly. I was hoping that I could do the same in Pocket PC by a screen tap and hold and then a see a "translate" or "Plecodict" option in the pop up menu.
I am probably missing something obvious because I am new to Pocket PC but I am also having trouble cuting text and pasting it into the imput field in Pleco Dict. There must be a short cut to my method.
Thanks for the help.


Staff member
Instant Access works a little differently on Pocket PC - if you enable the "Look up highlighted word on startup" option in the Characters section of Preferences, then whenever you launch (or switch to) PlecoDict, it will check to see if there's a piece of text highlighted in the current application; if there is, it copies that text to the Input Field. We didn't see any point in creating a separate scaled-down Instant Access interface, since Pocket PC lets us launch the entire application without forcing you to close the application you're currently in first.

As for cutting-and-pasting, could you be a little more specific about what aspect of this isn't working? It should basically work like it does in any other app.
I am using the hw6945 and the highlighted text doesn't come up in the input field when I switch to pleco dict even with the pref/characters/Look up highlighted word on startup box checked. I think this might be related to the problem I read another user was having with CE star. I often get the same problem with Pleco dict not opening. In fact when that happens Pleco dict is no longer listed in Programs and a soft reset is required.

I would like to try Monster Chinese but I cannot find a demo version of the version that supports WM5.

As for the problem with copy and pasting, I still cannot get it to work. I highlight Chinese characters in SMS or Bible and copy them with a tap and hold. When I switch to Pleco dict the text will not copy to the imput field when I select paste from the edit menu. Is it possible to do a tap and hold within plecodict?


Staff member
Yikes - the disappearing Programs icon really doesn't make sense. Something else you can try: go to Start \ Settings \ Remove Programs, uninstall PlecoDict Engine, and reinstall it, this time making sure to put it in main memory instead of on your SD card - that might make the application open more reliably.

The WM5 demo of Monster Chinese only seems to be available on their Chinese-language page -

If you tap-hold within the Input Field, the pop-up menu there should let you paste - if it doesn't, I'm not exactly sure what the problem would be, perhaps a text encoding issue with Bible or SMS - we've had one or two other people mention problems with SMS.