Install on a Pocket PC



There are no options on the install of Pleco Dict...

I am assuming if I install to the memory card that there are no issues with that? Are any files copied to my windows directory of the PPC?

Also, we had originally heard about a possible handwriting input mehtod for other programs outside Pleco dict. Is that available in this release? Or is the input method only available in pleco?


A VERY happy PPC user!
(One of those waiting since 2001 for ppc version)


Staff member
There are no issues with the memory card; no files need to be installed to your Windows directory, PlecoDict can find and and load its font files even when they're outside of the Windows folder.

And I'm afraid we ended up deciding against adding a handwriting recognizer that would work outside of PlecoDict - it was a lot harder than we thought, and it's not really a priority since there are already lots of other Pocket PC programs that do this quite well.