Install Custom Font


Hi, sorry for a simple question but I did a fair bit of research and couldn't quite find what I'm looking for. I'm trying to install the MOE KaiTi font from here but I'm not sure how. I installed an App Store app that created a Configuration Profile with the font to install it to the system. Then, I registered the font in Expert settings but it only shows up as an option for latin fonts - not CJK fonts. What am I missing here? I'll also note - I saw a forum discussion on the MOE fonts quite a while ago - maybe the KaiTi TC font is the MOE one? If so, I'll just use that! Thanks!


Staff member
You actually shouldn't need to do anything with Expert settings here - the font should come up as a choice for 'custom font' under the "Chinese font" setting. If it doesn't then either the font is not correctly identifying itself as a Chinese font or iOS is not acknowledging it as such - there's unfortunately not a whole lot we can do about that on our end, though I suppose we could add a 'show all fonts' option or some such in the font picker to deal with these cases.


Ah, I see. That's tricky. I know this is getting outside the realms of Pleco but is there a way to fix that issue, either by modifying the TTF or some iOS option?


Staff member
Not any that I’m aware of. Maybe there’s a version of it with different character set support that iOS would correctly identify as supporting Chinese?


Couldn't find any other versions, unfortunately. I spent an hour or two in FontForge comparing its metadata to that of the freely available Noto Sans SC (which works perfectly) but, no matter what charsets I forced it to "support" and other bits of information I aligned with the Noto Sans info, my font installer app and Pleco refuse to see the MOE font as supporting "Chinese." I have no idea what iOS needs to see to believe a given font supports a given language so I am stuck. I would definitely appreciate that button if you ever get around to it in the future!


Staff member
Will consider - sorry about that.

Can you maybe copy over all of the glyphs from Noto Sans that are missing in this font? That would give it the same character set coverage and so hopefully convince iOS to treat it as a Chinese font.