Importing from Oxford to PlecoDict


Just downloaded PlecoDict Beta - Looks great so far

Sorry if I missed something earlier - I searched the threads and documentation, but could not figure out the easiest method to import my flashcards that I am using successfully in the Oxford Dict over to PlecoDict.

When I use the export function in Oxford, it asks me what to name the PDB file, but I don't know how then to import it into PlecoDict. Thanks for the hard work and can't wait to test out my flashcards with the new features (while I keep the old ones as backup in case the bugs crash the thing!)


Staff member
Just use the "Import" option in Manage Lists (and make sure you use GB-2312 encoding) - that reads the same format that OxFlashConvert exports to.


mikelove said:
Just use the "Import" option in Manage Lists (and make sure you use GB-2312 encoding) - that reads the same format that OxFlashConvert exports to.

I tried that and it didn't work. I successfully exported the files and was able to reimport them using oxford dict, but when I use Plecodict there is nothing listed in PalmDoc GB-2312, except for the test file I exported using Pleco (and not the files I exported using Oxford)... I removed my expansion card just to make sure that files weren't being exported to the wrong location and that didn't help either. Any thoughts? :?

PS. I'm using a Treo 600 and it is resetting when I switch between memo pad and Palm Docs in the import dialog box...


Staff member
Sorry, I didn't realize you were using Oxford's built-in "Export" feature - that actually doesn't work with PlecoDict. You'll want to download the "Flashcard Converter" program from and use that to export your flashcards to a PalmDoc file - then, import them as PalmDoc and GB-2312 and they should transfer to PlecoDict.


Yay, it worked - Thanks Mike! I'm expecting this new flashcard system to dramatically improve my learning! I hope the finished version will have the option to retest the cards that were missed, although it is already doing that in a round-about way by increasing the frequency of flagged cards... Great work y'all!


Flashcard files from Oxford to PlecoDict?


I recently purchased PlecoDict Beta 2 with the ABC and NWP Dictionaries--it's great! Even on a treo 600 with low res. screen!

I've got a question on importing flashcards from other users.

Everyone else who is using Pleco software in my class is using the old Oxford Dictionary version. First, is there a way to upgrade these flashcard files after someone beams the flashcard file to me? Second, can I even use the flash cards created by others using the Oxford dictionary if I don't have the Oxford dictionary installed on my handheld (I'm only using ABC and NWP)?

Thanks in advance!



Staff member
You can certainly use flashcard databases from other people, all you need is the Oxford Flashcard Converter (available at - it works even if you haven't installed the Oxford E&C software, just install their main Oxford flashcard database to your Palm, use the converter to export it to text, then import that into PlecoDict.


Problems with Converter

Thanks for the info.

Though I think I'm doing something incorrectly. I've installed the converter program, and I moved the Oxford flash card file (that I received from nother student) to the internal memory of the treo 600. But when I open the converter program it gives me an error message: "Can't find the Oxford E&C flashcard database file." And then promtly crashes the Treo when I select a button on the screen.

I tried the program again with the file on the external flashcard, but had the same results.

Any thoughts???



Staff member
Unfortunately, the Oxford Flashcard Converter only works with complete Oxford flashcard database files - if your friends are beaming you individual card lists that they "exported" from Oxford E&C, there's unfortunately no way that you can import those.

So what you'll need to do is ask your classmate to beam his/her entire "Oxford Flashcard Database" file over to your Treo - then you can run Oxford Flashcard Converter to export the contents of that file to text.

Sorry this is so complicated - we mostly intended Oxford Flashcard Converter to be used by Oxford E&C users upgrading to PlecoDict, we didn't really consider people in your situation.


Thanks for the candid response.

I'll try get the entire flashcard files from my classmates and try the conversion again.

Thanks again for the great program, and great tech support!
