I'm trying to import a creative commons licensed Buddhist Dictionary as a custom dictionary. I've got dictionary saved as a tab delimited text file, with three columns, Chinese, Pinyin, English. No header. When I try to import it shows up fine in the preview, no character encoding problems. However, each time I try to import, it stops at 2177 entries. The file should contain about 16828 entries. I checked the entries around 2177, and there doesn't seem to be any characters that would mess it up... Any thoughts? Any (control) characters I could search for that would mess up the import? Or is this a limitation on the part of Pleco? Should I try splitting the file into 10 parts? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
EDIT: I've figured it out. There were two entries that must have surpassed the length allowed by the database.
P.S. If anyone is interested in having the dictionary, I think it would be legal to post, as it's copied from this website: http://www.acmuller.net/soothill/soothill-hodous.html, which is CC licensed. The author states the dictionary is public domain, so it should be fine to post.
EDIT: I've figured it out. There were two entries that must have surpassed the length allowed by the database.
P.S. If anyone is interested in having the dictionary, I think it would be legal to post, as it's copied from this website: http://www.acmuller.net/soothill/soothill-hodous.html, which is CC licensed. The author states the dictionary is public domain, so it should be fine to post.