import flashcards trouble on a3

Luo Yang

When words have a third tone "a" syllable the syllable is being left out during an import. Example: 祷告 dao3gao4 is becoming dogao4. I dont' know if only I am having this problem, or if others are having the problem as well.


Staff member
Does this happen when the tone is given as a number, or does it only happen when the tone actually appears above the 'a'?

If the latter, try changing your text encoding (should just be a matter of opening up the text file in Word or another international-friendly text editor and saving it out in a different encoding) - UTF-8 would be best if it's not the one you're currently using. It may be that your text file is using some sort of obscure alternate version of the 'a3' character that PlecoDict doesn't recognize.

Luo Yang

Hi Mike,
I am using EmEditor as my text editor and am saving as UTF-8 (with the check box unchecked). When I import it is still producing this error of leaving out letters (more than just the a3 I originally mentioned).

I am just correcting the cards as I go through flash card sessions and I am also flying through decks, simply looking for this error and correcting it.

I have found that it only seems to happen on terms that wouldn't have had a dictionary link anyhow. The words that have a matching dictionary entry are being imported correctly, only the obscure words or short phrases are having the error as they don't have anything to link to.

This isn't a big problem, but I wanted to let you know.

Thank you for all your work!
Luo Yang


Staff member
Hmm... OK, try this: save in GB-2312 instead and see if that improves matters. Perhaps there's a bug in the UTF-8 converter (though I don't think anybody has reported this particular one before, at least not in 1.0.2) - there are significant differences between the way UTF-8 handles characters and the way GB and Big5 do so it's possible this bug might only affect UTF-8. (though it would still be a bug)