How to create a flashcard for a sentence

I got the flashcard module and all the bells and whistles on this fantastic app. On my previous iphone I could write a sentence in the dictionary field and then there was the possibility to create a flashcard from whatever I wrote. My deepest apologies, but I cannot find it any more. May be I turned something off, or forgot something.
Here is an example: if I wrote "I started as a teacher," I could write 刚开我是老师, and then I would get several results in the list: 刚, 开, 是, 老师. And then there was a button at the top if I remember well that say "add the entry to flashcards" or something to that effect. Is there a way to get this back?
thanks again!
Mike, was trying to do this directly from the dictionary myself (I can do it from Reader no problem) but I can only get the word that's selected to add as a Flashcard, in this case 刚. What's the workaround?


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Staff member
It might be that the search results didn't refresh after you changed that "unknown word handling" option - the top item in search results should read "Add to flashcards" instead of "Add to user dictionary" with that option enabled. Reopen Pleco and do another search with a breakdown and you should then see that "Add to flashcards" option. (the + button at the top of the screen applies only to the current word)