How to add examples if cards are created on PC with a .txt


I am studying a new book now. Therefore, I would like to add all the new vocabulary as flashcards to pleco. Hence, on the PC I create a .txt file in which I add all the new vocabulary. Each line one word/phrase. Then I can just import the file on my Android phone and Pleco will generate the cards automatically.

On the vocabulary list from the book, there are several examples like a sentence for each new word/phrase, so you know how to use that word/phrase.

What I would like to do now, is to add these examples already on the PC to the .txt file in a way that the examples are included into the new flashcard once I imported the .txt file to my Pleco.
I hope I could make clear what I want. If not, please don't hesitate to ask me to clarify more.

I am very grateful if you could give any suggestions how to achieve my proposal. Thank you in advance.



Hello 文,

I have written some instructions to accomplish this with Pleco 3.2 in the following thread:

To insert newlines in your custom flashcards' definitions, which would probably be a good idea for separating the examples from your textbook, you would need to use the custom Unicode "EAB1" character instead of a regular newline:

Feel free to ask further.

Cheers, Shun

Hello Shun,

thank you for your reply. However, I am not sure I totally understand it.

Perhaps you can elaborate it more with an example. For instance, the word is 技巧 and the example is 技巧的技能. Next word is 辞 and example is 他把工作辞了.
Does the format in the .txt file have to be:

EAB1 技巧的技能

EAB1 他把工作辞了

Thank you for your help.



Hello 文,

you're welcome. You would first write in the text file only the headwords:


// Textbook word list


And then you follow the instructions from my first post.

For EAB1, you copy the "EAB1" character from the second post into Word instead of writing "EAB1".

It may seem overly complex, but it should all come easy. It's very comfortable to prepare everything inside your word processor.

Feel free to ask more.

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Hi 文,

I'll add some more detail on the procedure you could use:
  1. You write a list of Chinese words into a text file, just the Hanzi, without the pinyin, one word per line.
  2. To tell Pleco which lessons the words belong to, you you add a line "// <<chapter title>>" before the words belonging to that chapter. So you have, for example:

    // Chapter 1
    << all the words from chapter 1 >>
    // Chapter 2
    << all the words from chapter 2 >>
    // Chapter 3
    << all the words from chapter 3 >>

    and so on.

  3. When you import the text file, Pleco will create the categories "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", and so on and import their respective vocabulary into them. Here, it's important that you enable the option "Fill in missing fields", so that the pinyin and definitions will be added. Duplicates should be set to "Allow". It's possible that the wrong pinyin/definition will be added because of multiple Hanzi readings, so you will have to go through the imported flashcards and reassign any incorrectly assigned cards.
  4. You export the imported categories from Pleco, telling it to include definitions.
  5. You follow the instructions from my first post, adding the examples to each word in the rightmost column, separated by EAB1.
  6. You delete the flashcard categories "Chapter 1, 2, 3, …" from Pleco
  7. You import the finished text file back into Pleco, with the category markers.
  8. Now, you have the flashcards with your own examples.

Also read the previous posts from this thread in case anything is unclear, or check out the Pleco manual:

Hope this helps,
