how do I access my 'flash.txt' file...



I'm not trying to begin a long thread but I just have a question about Palm file system mainly. It's about the saved Flash cards.

If I understand correctly, synchronising the palm does not bring it on to my computer. I can't see it on my PC. Once, I've saved my flashcards, how do I access them. It was saved on my memory card and I also tried to save it on the handheld.

Do I absolutely need a third party file manager (such as FileZ). or is there another way.

I need to get used to the Palm Pilot.

Thanks you.



Staff member
If you save the flashcards to a text file, then yes, HotSyncing your Palm won't back them up to your computer; Palm Desktop only backs up databases in internal memory, and it's impossible to store a plain text file in internal memory because of the way the Palm's filesystem is structured.

However, if you save them to Memo or to a PalmDoc file, they will back up on a HotSync. With PalmDoc, there are several applications (like WavePDB) that will extract the text from a PalmDoc file and dump it to a regular text file, and with Memo it's simply a matter of copy-and-pasting them into a text editor.

If you really want to dump them to a text file directly, then the best way to get that file off of your memory card would be to use a memory card reader (like the kind people use with digital cameras); just pop the card in that reader and the file should come right up. You can also use Softick Card Export to access the contents of your Palm's SD card directly from your desktop; install it to your Palm and run it (while your Palm is connected to your PC) and the SD card will show up like any other computer disk.