History Off in Pleco on iPhone 13 iOS 18.1.1


Staff member
That's odd - so it's not showing any recent entries? Are you maybe using an old version of Pleco that still has iCloud history? (is there a cloud icon at the bottom of the history screen?)


Yes, indeed, and when I tapped that and selected all devices, some of my recent history appeared. Thank you!

Not all of my history is back, however. For example, I searched for about twenty words just today, and only one shows up. Does Pleco only show a search item if I open it specifically. I guess it doesn't show the full search or general activity.

Should I update to a newer version?

Thank you again!


Staff member
It only shows items in the list of entries if you tap on them, yes - there wouldn't be any way for us to know you'd actually looked at a particular entry otherwise (you might have been searching for the third word in the result list rather than the first). However, the list of recent search queries should be complete.


Found it, thank you! I'm just learning this facet of the app. It's great!

I'm using version 3.2.75. It looks like it's up to date. No?

Thank you again for teaching me about this and for this wonderful app!


Staff member
Yes, that should be current - the cloud icon can also appear if you were using an old version with iCloud sync and it still sees some cloud history to show you.