Have Oxford E&C -- will PlecoDict run on my Sony SJ22?

Paul Duke

Hi, I have had the Oxford Concise E&C Dictionary for 3 years now.

I'm still using my Sony SJ22 which has Palm OS 4.1 and 15MB of RAM (and a memory stick card slot -- I have a 64 MB memory stick). Right now Oxford E&C is taking up 6.3 MB and I have about 4 MB free on the Palm itself.

I see in other posts that I may be able to upgrade to PlecoDict Basic for free. Will it run on my current Sony?

Also, will PlecoDict run the free extra dictionaries which are available (and which I've also been using for 3 years) -- the UniChin and CEDICT dictionaries?

Also #2 -- I am considering switching from Windows XP to a Mac. Will I be able to install PlecoDict Basic from a Mac.

Thanks very much.

Paul Duke


Staff member
Yes, yes, and yes; your Sony meets the requirements for the current version of PlecoDict, UniChin (or actually the larger database that it's based on, UniHan) and CEDICT are both available for it on our add-ons page, and you can certainly install PlecoDict Basic from a Mac.