Handwriting and definition display

Hello! I can't figure out how to change the settings so that after I input a character from the handwriting function, the dictionary display (on the right of the screen) shows that character. I think previous versions had this on default.

I usually search for many words at once, but everytime I input a new character, the definition list jumps back to the top and shows me the first character I searched for. Please let me know if there is a way to change this.

Thank you! =)


Staff member
We stopped scrolling the list to the most recently added character in 3.0; didn't seem like a lot of people were using that feature (you're only maybe the 2nd person in 7 months to mention its removal) and getting rid of it allowed us to eliminate several other little annoyances related to list scrolling.

However, you can pop up a definition for a character in the handwriting recognizer results bar by tap-holding it - that will let you look up its meaning while continuing to compose your longer text in the search bar.