Garbage characters at bottom of writing input screen


Dear Mike,

I have a Sony Clie T650C. I have it set up for list on the right side, dictionary meaning on the left side and small writing input on the bottom. I am using UTF-8 and no "Input Field Compatibility Mode." "Allow simultaneous list/input" is set, as is "Disable palette HWR after input."

After clicking "On" in order to write a character, I start to write. The first stroke causes some parts of the input menu to disappear (3 vertical blank stripes). I then finish the character and choose the match.

When I again enter a character (after clicking "On") my first stroke causes an entire row of garbage characters to be written across the bottom of the screen, obliterating the input menu.

Not a big deal since I can still click where the "recognize" character should be, and everything works. But seems to be some sort of bug and though you should know about it.



Staff member
This is strange, I'm not seeing it on a similar model with Beta 3 here... could you be a little more specific about these "garbage characters"? Do they appear as random punctuation marks / accented letters, or do they look like warped or distorted Chinese characters, or are they just random pixels with no discernable pattern? Does the definition text still change color with the second character like it does with the first one? Have you noticed any other quirks or odd behavior in PlecoDict lately?

Also, have you installed CJKOS/ChOS/PenPower/HWPen or any other language enabler/input system on your Clie?

Thanks for the bug report.


Dear Mike,

The "garbage characters" are correctly formed Chinese characters. Perhaps it is trying to write the list of possible matches?

The "definition text" doesn't change color. It dims as it should when I start to write. The functionality works fine. I know where the menu characters are supposed to be (even though they have been overwritten by new characters) and click there to get a match. Once I click to get a match, the screen refreshes and looks fine on the input side, cleanly showing me the possible match characters. The list side still has the extraneous characters until I actually select the character and then the list side is refreshed also.

I don't have any other programs installed. This behavior has been around at least since Beta 2 and I think from the first Beta. I didn't report it because you seemed to have plenty of more important things to fix. And if it's only affecting me, I wouldn't worry too much about it as it doesn't hamper me at all.



Staff member
Oh, that's just the "dynamic mode" option (which we're actually planning to take out in 1.0, since nobody seems to use it and it causes a lot of confusion) - the next time you draw a character, simply tap on the fourth button from the left (the one that looks like a T turned on its side) and that will turn this "feature" off.


Dear Mike,

Yes, I think you are right. But I already had dynamic mode off. What I notice is that dynamic mode only stays off for one character. The next character that I write thinks that dynamic mode is on even though I haven't turned it on, and the icon still says no dynamic mode. It seems to be automatically changing to dynamic mode after the first charcter, and without changing the icon.

Removing dynamic mode should solve the problem. Thanks for investigating.

I've never worked with such a thorough and responsive third party software developer as you. I don't know how you have the time to do all your development and still solve everyone's problems.
