Full-Text Search

Can't get full-text search working.

Leading hash # doesn't seem to function anymore. Search results are strange. Here's an example of 大象:


Not sure why under English I'm getting Classical & Medieval results.

I would expect this query to bring up a list of English dictionary entries that contain "大象" within them.


Staff member
We got rid of the #, if you want to search definitions for Chinese now you can do it by long pressing the C button. (or go into Expert settings / Search Profiles / Additional Profiles and set your preferred profile's 'display priority' to 'default' to have it cycle on the dictionary icon)

As for why this is coming up as English: seems like those items in SCM aren't tagged correctly yet. But if you do a search for it in 'Chinese-English Translations' you should get a result from NWP e.g.; the fun thing about this is that we now index inline translations just like any other dictionary headword, so you can also search them by pinyin.