Flashcards: manually setting score / SRS interval



  • Is there any way to manually mark a card as a leech?
  • I have a huge set of cards from my earliest days of study that have no score/SRS data associated with them. Maybe I know 90% of those words thoroughly, and 10% I've forgotten. So let's say one of those words is "好". When Pleco presents that word to me for the first time, I want to tell Pleco that it should never show me that word again (because I know it cold and will never forget it), or at the very least, indicate that it shouldn't be shown to me for a very, very long time.
I think the above is two sides of the same coin, i.e., in both cases I don't want Pleco to show me a card (or at least don't show it to me for a long time), but for different reasons. When SRS testing, I see that I can set a card's score back to 100, but other than that I don't see how I can influence the auto-generated scoring/SRS metrics.


Staff member
Is there any way to manually mark a card as a leech?

Sure, just assign it to a 'leech' category and you can filter those out in Card Filters. "Commands" includes an option to set the default category for the bottom-of-the-screen 'category' button.

I have a huge set of cards from my earliest days of study that have no score/SRS data associated with them. Maybe I know 90% of those words thoroughly, and 10% I've forgotten. So let's say one of those words is "好". When Pleco presents that word to me for the first time, I want to tell Pleco that it should never show me that word again (because I know it cold and will never forget it), or at the very least, indicate that it shouldn't be shown to me for a very, very long time.

Also doable in Commands - set "score button action" to "set' and "amount" to something ridiculously high instead of the default 100. Or assign it to a category as with leeches and then filter out cards in that category.


OK that makes sense.

In future versions, might Pleco handle leeches automatically? That is, at some threshold the algorithm flags the card as a leech and suspends it from further review?



I just stopped by to ask for this same feature, ie. something similar to Anki's "leech" feature, and saw there was already a topic on it. Something like setting a card as a leech after X failed repetitions would be really nice. I'm currently just over halfway through Pleco's HSK 6 list and as i get further into it i keep finding certain words appearing over and over that just aren't sticking and my reviews are really starting to pile up. There have been a couple times when i've had to stop adding words for a week or so so i can catch up.

EDIT: Just saw this was in the iPhone section, though i imagine (or hope!) that if it does get implemented it'd be for both versions :D


Staff member
Yes, we're working on that as part of our larger (and very very complicated, at least internally) SRS redesign. And it would certainly be on both platforms since it's all in nice cross-platform C code.


Cool, i've been using the SRS every single day for over a year now, so i can't wait to see what's in store.