Flashcards: Making Card Info screen selection sticky


Hello Mike,

when I tap on a flashcard listing in Organize, Pleco remembers that I was in either the Info, Edit or Dict screen last, so for example when I open a second flashcard, Pleco will open the Dict screen if I had chosen that while having the first flashcard open.

Would it be possible for Pleco to remember my choice of Info, Edit or Dict screens also when I tap on the (i) button after having switched to a different card in a flashcard test? Right now, it always first opens the Info panel. There, I guess it depends on whether one interprets the (i) to stand for an "information screen" or a general properties screen. Here's an illustrative screenshot:


Many thanks,



Staff member
It should already be doing this; however, it always jumps to the “info” section if the card is not revealed yet, in order to avoid inadvertently giving away the answer.

Is it possible that that describes your situation, or is it jumping to info at other times too?