Flashcards: lose ability to tap-display dictionary entries



I frequently enable handwriting mode (字) during flashcard testing. On occasion, with handwriting enabled, I am unable to tap "@" in order to display dictionary entries. I have to turn off handwriting in order to tap "@" and view dictionary entries.

This is not specific to the current version of Pleco; it's consistently happened in earlier versions. I can resolve the problem by restarting the flashcard session, after which I can tap "@" to display dictionaries even if handwriting mode is enabled. This is on an iPad 3, latest iOS.

Also, a very small product suggestion: during a flashcard session, if there are no dictionary entries available for the cards (i.e., it's a custom card), consider changing the "@" symbol to an "@" symbol with a line/slash running through it, or something similar. In other words, visually indicate that no dictionary entries are available. Obviously it's not a huge problem to tap the "@" symbol and have nothing happen, but it would be nice to not even move my hand to tap it in the first place if there are no entries.



Staff member
Thanks - sounds like a bit of the handwriting UI is getting misplaced so that it overlays that bar. Doing something when @ is inactive makes sense but I think we'd probably gray it out rather than putting a slash through it.