Flashcards: Images from web & easier card creation



More of a feature request than anything.

I would love to be able to quickly create new cards with images from a Google image search. Right now, adding pictures is quite a nuisance, as I would have to save all the pictures beforehand. I don't know if this is even possible or if it is too complicated.
Furthermore, it would be great if there would be a better process for adding a batch of new cards from scratch. Right now, after every card, it requires me to click on "New Card."

The intended use of the flashcard function is probably to use the dictionary entries. However, after trying this for a few years, I came to the conclusion that it is not ideal and creating one's own cards is very beneficial to the learning process.


Staff member
Thanks for the feedback. A better pipeline for finding / adding images is definitely something we'd like to do, but probably post-4.0. My preference would actually be a simpler search of a database we hosted ourselves, e.g. a bunch of open-licensed images from Wikipedia etc; frankly, I don't trust Google not to violate people's privacy or roll out some low-quality new GenAI image search feature, on top of any issues with the Great Firewall or other limits on access to Google or school concerns with image search access.

As far as bulk adding new cards from scratch: would it maybe be easier to do this on a computer? (in Pleco eventually but in a text file to import for now) That's not really something we've thought about optimizing much simply because it seems like such an awkward thing to do on an iPhone - a big part of why we like the flashcards-from-dictionary-entries pipeline is because you can do a lot of it on a phone without getting exhausted.


Bulk adding cards most definitely would be easier on a computer. However, I was thinking on doing it on the iPad, where it shouldn’t be as exhausting. So adding it could maybe act as a bridge until there is a desktop version?

Doing it with a text file wasn’t really on my mind because I already thought about doing it with images. Which, as far as I know, isn’t possible with a text file.