Flashcards Feature Suggestion: Session UI button colors



currently, the answer buttons in a Flashcards session are large and have quite gaudy, clear colors:


In some open public environments, I feel it would be preferable to be able to tone down the intensity of the colors/button sizes so as not make it too plainly obvious what one is doing on the phone. Are you perhaps planning to offer a way to change the button colors and sizes, and perhaps offer a colorless and a pastel color profile, or did I just not find the setting? I for one would be going for the pastel colors. Thanks!




Staff member
The defaults should probably be more muted in dark mode, yes. It's already possible to customize stuff like this in expert settings, the question is what we're going to elevate to top-level / easy-to-access ones, and in general my preference is to start off with as few of those as possible since it's much easier to add more options later than to take options away - at some point, having more options means having fewer options, since most users won't bother to dig through them all.


Thanks, I agree! I'll gladly work with the Expert settings once they're documented a little bit more. But you're right, one could make the colors darker just for Dark mode.
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