

I feel like this is a really stupid question, but i've been trying to figure it out for a while - I just bought Pleco today and have been fooling around with all the settings, but I can't figure out how to make and review flash cards. Whenever I choose a word in Pleco, by clicking the + button, it flashes for a second then goes back to normal (I assume this is 'adding' a card). When I try and follow the instructions in the manual and go to the Palm OS menubar (is this what you get when you click on the clock on the top left?), I don't see "Flashcards" as an option - I also don't see an icon for it anywhere.

Any help would be great, thanks.


Staff member
Not a stupid question at all; this is actually the single most common tech support question we get on Palm. The "menu bar" the manual talks about isn't the one in the application launcher screen, it's one that comes up while PlecoDict is open. How you get to it depends on what type of Palm you have. If it's a Treo or a Tungsten C, there's a button on the keyboard that launches it; just below the screen and to the right on the Treo 650, at the bottom of the keyboard on all of the other Treos. If it's a Tungsten E/E2, Z22, or another model with a silkscreened (painted-on) handwriting input area, the menu button is at the bottom left corner of that area, below the button with a house or a star on it. If it's a large-screen model like the T3, T5 or TX, the menu button is in the toolbar at the very bottom of the screen, right next to the clock.

This was actually a big design mistake on our part, when we originally designed PlecoDict 1.0 we didn't quite realize how large a percentage of our customers would be buying Palms just to run it and made the mistake of putting the flashcard system in a less-than-obvious place. In 2.0 we're adding a menu button to the top right corner of the toolbar so you no longer have to hunt around for a way to bring up the menu. (the toolbar layout can easily be changed in Preferences for people who don't want the button there)


Hi Mike, as always, thanks for a great and prompt reply. I found the menu you were talking about - I've got a Palm Zire (painted on), and it was just below the house button for me.