Read through the manual on flashcard setup and I'm still having quite a bit of problem.
1) In test settings I have it Display fields 'by rank' and in the Rank fields set up I have 3 settings with 3 different patterns of testing myself.
I want to be able to go through each of the patterns when I test myself, but I'm not sure how to do this. Maybe it's not possible? I'm not sure how I get myself to advance to the next 'rank'. Every time I run the flashcard list, it cycles through once whether I get them right or wrong, and it never uses the other rank settings I chose to further test me. The flashcard session just ends.
How do I get it to cycle to the next ranks so I go through the various testing phases?
Here are my settings:
In my Rank settings I have:
Number of ranks: 3
Advance to next rank after 1 correct 'in rank'. (Retreat, unchecked).
The other boxes are also unchecked. (I'm not sure what the flag setting does.)
In Card Settings I have:
Sort: Random
Limit Ranks 1 - 3 checked
I'm not clear about the 'Flag ' settings. What does it do?
When I click on it it will give me 1) Flag 1, with set all and unset all option, but I do not know how to procede further. I'm not understanding exactly how to use this function.
Thank you for assistance.
1) In test settings I have it Display fields 'by rank' and in the Rank fields set up I have 3 settings with 3 different patterns of testing myself.
I want to be able to go through each of the patterns when I test myself, but I'm not sure how to do this. Maybe it's not possible? I'm not sure how I get myself to advance to the next 'rank'. Every time I run the flashcard list, it cycles through once whether I get them right or wrong, and it never uses the other rank settings I chose to further test me. The flashcard session just ends.
How do I get it to cycle to the next ranks so I go through the various testing phases?
Here are my settings:
In my Rank settings I have:
Number of ranks: 3
Advance to next rank after 1 correct 'in rank'. (Retreat, unchecked).
The other boxes are also unchecked. (I'm not sure what the flag setting does.)
In Card Settings I have:
Sort: Random
Limit Ranks 1 - 3 checked
I'm not clear about the 'Flag ' settings. What does it do?
When I click on it it will give me 1) Flag 1, with set all and unset all option, but I do not know how to procede further. I'm not understanding exactly how to use this function.
Thank you for assistance.