Flashcard import: what happens when a character has multiple variants?



I imported a list of 成語 and allowed Pleco to populate the pinyin/definition from Duogongneng. Since this dictionary has ~8,000 成語, I was surprised to find a handful that weren't found in DGNCYCD on import. I determined that in several cases the 成語 wasn't found in DGNCYCD because my source file used a variant character, e.g., 嚐 vs. 嘗. Is if safe to say that Pleco strictly matches on import? (I ask mostly because if I do a dictionary search on the 成語 (臥薪嚐膽), Pleco is smart enough to show both 嚐 and 嘗 in the headword).

In another instance, the 成語 「如火如荼」wasn't found in DGNCYCD, although it has an entry for it. The only thing unusual is that in this 成語 「茶」has an alternate pronunciation. Ultimately Pleco matched this entry with KEY (which helpfully noted that chá is an erroneous pronunciation).

Lastly, I had at one or two entries fail to match DGNCYCD because a simplified form of the character was used (雕 vs. 鵰). But that makes sense if Pleco is strictly matching on each character.



Staff member
We match strictly, yes - we might add an option for variants at some point but we're wary of making that the default because it can lead to a lot of incorrect matches (and with a long flashcard list those can be rather insidious). When you see (or get matches with) variants in a dictionary now it's because either we or the dictionary's author explicitly added them.