Flashcard Import Problem

My appologies Mike, I had posted this question in the wrong thread. I am reposting my question in a new thread and include examples of my problem.

I re-saved some of my flashcard files without the unicode header and the file name is appearing properly during import. However, the system is hanging before all of the cards have completed importing. One flashcard set has 8 cards and it imported with no problems. The other flashcard set has 15 cards and hangs at 11.

I should add that I checked the formatting of the flashcards and they appear to be correct. character <tab> pinyin <tab> definition , etc...

Very strange.... I am hoping you can help because I cannot distinguish what is causing the hang up. This happens in all of my flashcards.

My first flashcard that imports without hanging:
// test 1
露天	lùtiān 	test
音樂會	yīnyuèhuì 	test
露天音樂會	lùtiānyīnlèhuì 	test
酒會	jiǔhuì 	test
茶會	cháhuì 	test
舞會	wǔhuì 	test
開會	kāihuì 	test

My first flashcard that hangs at card 11:
// test 2
露天	lùtiān 	test
音樂會	yīnyuèhuì 	test
露天音樂會	lùtiānyīnlèhuì 	test
酒會	jiǔhuì 	test
茶會	cháhuì 	test
舞會	wǔhuì 	test
開會	kāihuì 	test
公園	gōngyuán 	test
花園	huāyuán 	test
舉行	jǔxíng 	test
興趣	xìngqù 	test
招呼	zhāohu 	test
打招呼	dǎ zhāohu 	test
紐約	Niǔyuē 	test

If you can't determine the problem, can I email you my flashcard samples?

Thank you in advance for your help.

I just copied and pasted into my emEditor and noticed it did not recognize what I pasted were tabs between the chinese characters and the definitions. In my import on my axim they are all tabbed properly. Just wanted to indicate that.


Staff member
The test lists you sent me were slightly different from the ones posted here - they had extra Cantonese pronunciation notes in the Pinyin field in some entries (including entry #12 in your second list). I checked these on a test system here and it looks like that's what's causing the importer to hang. So remove those notes and the import should work correctly. You can put that info in the definition if you want to have access to it, but the Pinyin field shouldn't have anything in it besides Pinyin.
Hi everyone,

Mike suggested I moved the cantonese prounciation to the defintion section to avoid any conflict.

I am sincerely hoping that in the next update, they will adjust pleco to accomodate additional prounciations in that section. However, Mike emailed me a tremendously efficient method (given the mess I got myself into making many of my flashcard cantonese prounications in the pinyin section) to search and replace to move the prounication to the third /definition section.

Keep in mind though, I had my cantonese prounication in a set format ( (c: <pronunciation>) ), thus making it possible to do it this way.

This is a segment from Mike's email. I hope he doesn't mind, I'm just copy and pasting it:

(Open the flashcard file) in EmEditor, go to the Replace command, make sure that "Use Regular Expressions" is checked, and copy and paste in the following:



Replace with:


That should automatically move any ()-enclosed text in the Pinyin column over to the definition column.

P.S. - I think this may only need to be done with Pocket PC users. Cantonese prounication in the pinyin section worked fine for me when I had my Palm.


Staff member
No problem at all with your posting this, anyone else is free to use/share this as well. If anyone wants to learn to make their own regular expressions, do a Google search for "regular expressions" and you should find a bunch of tutorials / guides / etc - they're pretty much essential for complicated text processing.