Flashcard Export In Pleco



Hi Mike,

The current pleco does not allow export of definiton of terms because of copyright issues right?

1) Is this because both the "Oxford Concise English & Chinese Dictionary" "the ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary" both have copyrights that will not allow it? How about the new one you have a license for "Standard Dictionary of Modern Chinese"?

1) Is there a free dictionary or non-copyright restricted dictionary available that would allow you to export the definitions with the terms?

2) Will exporting the defintion function will be available in the next version 2.0?


Staff member
Yes, we don't allow to you export large amounts of dictionary text for copyright reasons. It's not so much that there's any specific copyright restriction as it is that we want to respect our business partners' intellectual property - it would not be a good thing for us or for them if someone managed to extract the entire text of one of the dictionaries using our software.

At the moment, you can't export definitions from any dictionary except a user-created one, but with 2.0 we do plan to make it possible to export entries from other free dictionaries like CEDICT, Adso, etc - there's no copy-protecion issue with those as the complete text of them can be freely downloaded online.


Yes, I understand. Thank you for the explanation.

btw, aside from CEDICT and Adso there are other free dictionaries out there that you can recommend to me?

I'd like to make flashcards with them for pleco.

I tried CEDICT and Adso before and the definitions they provide are insufficient unfortunately. Any help would be much appreciated!!


Staff member
Those are the main two free Chinese-English dictionaries on the internet; there are a few other smaller projects out there but I don't think any of them have more detailed definitions than those two. You might try asking this question at http://www.chinese-forums.com/ - it seems like almost everyone working on an English-Chinese dictionary project checks that site regularly, so perhaps someone has another database they can point you to.


that's a good dictionary!

Is that dictionary downloadable? I couldn't find the link to download.