Flashcard conundrum!


As I go through reading my first book in Chinese, I add every unknown vocabulary into a flashcard group with the same title as the book. Once I had reached enough flashcards I started to create sub-groups in order to separate the large amount into more manageable ones. Here's the problem, every time I tried to add a flashcard that I already had Pleco would tell me, but now that I have the sub-groups it will not differentiate between the whole group and the sub-groups. That is, every card I have in the sub-group will not be considered as part of the whole group so Pleco won't tell me that I already have that specific vocabulary in the sub-group. Any way to deal with this conundrum?


Staff member
No automatic way to do that at the moment - best bet would probably be to do a search (magnifying glass icon) for all cards in the larger category (which will include subcategories), then add them all specifically to the larger category.


You can create a user dictionary every time you added some flashcards, made up from all your flashcards (export all flashcards in a txt-file, import the txt-file into a new user dictionary). Make the user dictionary no. 1 of all your dictionaries. Then when you look up a word and find it in your user dictionary, you obviously have the flashcard already.