financial terms

I'm considering buying Pleco, and I'm wondering if any of the dictionaries include financial, accounting and business or industry terms. Words or expressions like accounts receivable, inventory, shareholder, capital expenditure. If not, can I copy such words from the dictionary I've created within NJStar to Pleco's dictionaries?

You can Add pretty much Anything to PlecoDict's User Dictionary.

An Easy way to do this is to Import A Custom Definition Into PlecoDict
From a Flashcard List Text File.

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Staff member
Yes, the user dictionary should be able to do it - just import them as a flashcard list and you should be all set.

However, this only works for Chinese-to-English - I'm afraid we don't offer any good way at the moment to add these words to the English-to-Chinese half of PlecoDict, though we will be announcing something soon that might help with that problem :D

And 2000 posts, wow... probably gets that many in a week, but given that this is just a humble tech support / bug reporting forum it's a pretty impressive number.


Going back to the original question, do you know if any of the current dictionaries include financial, accounting and business or industry terms without having to load in your own? Words or expressions like accounts receivable, inventory, shareholder, capital expenditure?


Staff member
Well as far as the Oxford and NWP, neither of them includes accounts receivable or capital expenditure, both include inventory and shareholder. They're both intended to be general-purpose and don't go too far into subject-specific vocabulary. But that new dictionary I alluded to covers all four of those terms (and many many others) and should be out within a few weeks.