Feature request: stroke order from the "full screen character display"

I often look for stroke order, and getting there sometimes requires a few "clicks."
A great way to see an entry is to tap the little "dotted cube" that shows the characters in full screen. When you tap it again, it reverts to the previous screen. I was thinking it would be great to be able to press that same screen and then get the stroke order animation.
Thanks again for the wonderful work!


Staff member
That's actually how our Character Info screen used to work until we revamped our interface last year to merge it into the definition screen. I don't know if we'd want to set up a whole separate implementation of stroke order for that popup screen but we might be able to add an option to make > jump directly to the stroke order tab (saving you a tap at least), or to have the dotted cube button take you to that instead of to the popup it does now.