Since Outlier still haven't finished their dictionary, I went on the hunt looking for another etymology dictionary and found this gem. https://baike.baidu.com/item/汉字源流字典/3914709
It's essentially like Outlier... but ZH-ZH, and already completed, with 2079 pages at 118RMB RSP. No extra, just etymology (I just wanted 六书/构造/字形 and don't really need definitions anyway)... perfect for learners. It's even cheaper on Taobao for 80RMB https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. , you can look at the pages samples...
I found a shorter version online (demo-ish?) on Baidu but the quality is crap so it would be godsend if Pleco can get the license for this.
Bad news is that I can't find any online version! Only the printed one...
It's essentially like Outlier... but ZH-ZH, and already completed, with 2079 pages at 118RMB RSP. No extra, just etymology (I just wanted 六书/构造/字形 and don't really need definitions anyway)... perfect for learners. It's even cheaper on Taobao for 80RMB https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. , you can look at the pages samples...
I found a shorter version online (demo-ish?) on Baidu but the quality is crap so it would be godsend if Pleco can get the license for this.
Bad news is that I can't find any online version! Only the printed one...