Feature request: Add dictionary 汉字源流字典


Since Outlier still haven't finished their dictionary, I went on the hunt looking for another etymology dictionary and found this gem. https://baike.baidu.com/item/汉字源流字典/3914709

It's essentially like Outlier... but ZH-ZH, and already completed, with 2079 pages at 118RMB RSP. No extra, just etymology (I just wanted 六书/构造/字形 and don't really need definitions anyway)... perfect for learners. It's even cheaper on Taobao for 80RMB https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. , you can look at the pages samples...

I found a shorter version online (demo-ish?) on Baidu but the quality is crap so it would be godsend if Pleco can get the license for this.

Bad news is that I can't find any online version! Only the printed one...


Staff member
We haven't had much luck with that publisher so far, but we certainly would like to add some C-C etymology resources eventually - can't speak to this specific one, but I tend tend to be a little wary of Chinese etymology dictionaries in general because the information is often out-of-date (and/or uncritically parroting 说文).


There are pdfs all over the web...;)
Well after reading your comment, I've spent more like 2 hours looking online and could only find dead links. There were mirrors online, but due to the recent China takedown DMCA laws everything got deleted...

Looks like the gov has started cracking on these... And they're pretty good since every mirror I've found are dead lol.

Would be far more productive to just buy the (digitalized) dictionary at this rate than scouring the deep net. Flipping a thousand pages book is too time-consuming imo.

#mike pls make this dream come true
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You could also make your own user-dictionary-copy.

CNKI have a poorly OCR'd version of the dictionary here:


Each entry is 2毛、角, w/e you like to call it, to view - basically 3 cents usd.

The only snag is that it is very poorly OCR'd, there are �� everywhere in place of what should be real characters. You would need to pair it up with the book and fill in the blanks yourself.