Exporting words/text, pasting into other apps



I bought Plecodict PPC a couple weeks ago, and I love it. We're thinking of integrating it into our basic Chinese course in our schoolhouse. Anyways, the only thing I'm lacking on my PPC now it seems is some sort of Chinese text reader/editor.

1. Are there any 3rd party apps out there that support the traditional and simp. fonts used in PlecoDict so that I could paste characters from PlecoDict?

2. Can I download those fonts for use in Pocket Word?


Staff member
If all you want to do is copy and paste, you won't even need an input system like the one Sandra is pointing you to. All you need to do is locate the PlecoDict Chinese font file (SimSun.ttf) using File Explorer (it'll be wherever you installed PlecoDict, probably on your Pocket PC's storage card) and move it to the \Windows\Fonts folder on your Pocket PC. Then, soft reset your Pocket PC and open up a new Pocket Word document - you should now be able to select the SimSun font in Pocket Word. (other applications should be able to use SimSun as well)

With the SimSun font selected, copy-and-pasted Chinese characters should show up correctly. But if you want to edit Chinese text or insert new characters, it would be best to purchase Monster Chinese or something similar (see the linked thread for more on that).
Thank you both...Monster Chinese is something I'm going to have to spend some time with...but it will be very helpful I think in the future.

The Simsun font works great in Pocket Word, which is what I needed it for (well, until I can start inputting characters well :) )