Exporting Pinyin tone marks


Hi Mike,

under Export Flashcards, could one add the choice between exporting to pinyin tone numbers and pinyin tone marks? Otherwise, I'd have to do the conversion using Wenlin, which isn't available for iPhone.



Staff member
At the moment we try to keep import formats strictly round-trip - want them to import back into Pleco cleanly - and tone marks have a tendency to get mangled in transmission, so I'm wary of adding an option for that as part of our current export screen. We are however contemplating a separate "formatted export" option which would explicitly not allow for reimporting but would make everything prettier for the purposes of (say) printing out.


Thanks, I've heard about this site, it seems to contain some reliable information.

My current workflow is: Export from Pleco, convert tone marks using Wenlin, format using Word. To use Word, I need a PC/Mac anyway, so it doesn't matter that I also have to use Wenlin. If the future workflow will be: Export from Pleco to PDF or similar, then it could all be done on a smartphone/tablet, which would be very useful.