English-Chinese Dictionary in Free Version?


A friend of mine tried the free version of Pleco for iPhone, but no matter how many times we switched to the 英 icon, it always reverted back to C-E. Unfortunately, he thought that the dictionary wasn't working because of this. Just wondering if we did something wrong, or if it might be useful to include a limited size E-C dictionary for demo purposes.


Staff member
Well there is the LDC which you can download for free after you register, but that icon should actually stay at 英 if you enter an English search query - if you just type an English word in the search box, what happens?


It automatically switches back to C-E. My friend, a "pleco newb", thought that the dictionary "doesn't work" because of this. He was planning on getting the full version of pleco eventually, but wanted to try the free version first to see how it compares to the other iPhone Chinese Dictionaries.


Staff member
Yeah, it turned out there was a bug in our full-text search system; fixed in the update that Apple's already in the process of reviewing.