Eliminating Duplicate Flashcards


I am using several external sources for my flashcards (Practical Reader Reader, ABC Grade Lists, Rosetta Stone phrases). I am bringing in a few chapters of vocab at a time.
The problem that I am having is that these flashcard lists obviously have a lot of overlap. When I bring in a new set of vocab, I do not want to have 2 flashcards of the same word, with separate ranks and correctness history. When I tried to merge the lists into one master list, the newest addition (as in the one that has no history) overwrites the flashcard that has been practised already, and I lose my history.

Is there some way to merge lists so that the flashcard with a longer history is saved? Is it possible to export my flashcard's rank and history etc, so that I can write my own program to merge lists? Is there some better way to use the flashcard system so that I don't run into this problem?


Eli Gibson


Staff member
I'm afraid there's no way to merge lists as you describe, or to export flashcard rank / history info. We're actually getting rid of this problem completely in 2.0 by turning "lists" into "categories" and allowing a single card to belong to more than one category at a time, but that won't do you much good right now.

So about all I can suggest is that you make sure that the card you're moving is the one with the longer history; when there's a duplicate, PlecoDict always keeps the card that's being moved (rather than the card that's already in the destination list). One way to do this would be to merge the old list over to the new list, delete the old list and rename the new list. Or you could simply turn off the "Don't duplicate cards in lists" option in Preferences and go through and delete the duplicated cards manually.