Dropbox -> Open in (Pleco): cached version of document loaded instead



In a previous post I wrote about opening a "favorited" file stored in Dropbox from within Pleco, and that a cached version was being loaded by Pleco instead of the latest version stored in Dropbox.

I just wanted to note a similar issue: when in Dropbox if I select Pleco as the "Open in" app, the cached version of the document will be opened by Pleco. I have to repeat the "Open in" commend in Dropbox 2x in order for the latest version of the document to open in Pleco. This is consistent - it happens every time (iPad 3, latest iOS/Pleco, RTF file).



Staff member
Have you seen this behavior in any other apps? "Open In" doesn't really involve our Dropbox integration at all - iOS just passes us a URL of a file to copy + open - so I'm not sure how we could be accessing the cached version unless that's the version we're getting from Dropbox. We'll test this here to see if we can definitively attribute it to Dropbox or to us.


Have you seen this behavior in any other apps?

I haven't seen this behavior in other apps. But to be fair, Pleco is the only app that I use on my iPad 99% of the time.

I see in "Reader->All recent documents" prior versions of the file listed, i.e., File-2, File-3, File-4, etc. Are these the cached copies? If I select "Clear all", will that delete them? If so, perhaps I can do a test, whereby I delete the cached versions, then in Dropbox select "Open in" and send the file to Pleco. If the correct version of the file is opened in Pleco, would that prove/disprove anything?


Staff member
That won't delete them, no - iOS is just creating a new copy with a number after it on each "open in" (since it notices that there's already a file with the same name in your Inbox). But if you go into File Manager / Inbox in Pleco and delete all of the copies of the document in there, then do another "open in" and it's still the old version, that would strongly suggest that the issue is in Dropbox.