Download to laptop


I am in the process of upgrading from just a simple phone to a PDA/smartphone. Based on the posts here, I believe my wife and I will be getting the ATT Tilt device. Please note that I am note PDA savvy, but get by OK with generic PC stuff.

In advance of that purchase, I came to this site, and followed the instructions for downloading the demo to my laptop (HP running AMD Turion 64x2 and Vista Premium OS). I kept getting an error message from my computer that stated it could not download as I did not have the original PDA installation CDs available. I clicked continue, and the download/installation continued anyway. When I went to programs to start the demo, the only thing create under the PLECODICT folder was the instruction manual which only contains instruction for download to PDA.

My issue then, is if I don't yet own the PDA, and the only reason I may purchase a PDA is to use PLECO, how can I tell if the product is good for me, and therefore warrants purchase of software and PDA if I can't use the demo?

I assume, once I purchase the PDA, I can download the software via wi-fi. But if I don't like it, now I am stuck?

Second, since my wife and I are both learning Chinese, do I have to buy two copies of the software for two PDAs, or can a single professional/complete version be shared?

thanks in advance for any help.

Very respectfully,



The demo/full product only works on a PDA.

Download Pleco, put all the files on an MicrosSD card following the manual install instructions. Then take the card to the store and run the Pleco demo on the demo PDA in the store. This does work, but make sure you demo Pleco 2.0, which is still only in the forums at this point. I've done this myself to check what 2.0 would look like if I bought a VGA resolution screen like the Touch Pro.

Unfortunately doing this may not be the simplest thing for a novice, maybe the person in the store can help when you bring in the SD card. The only thing you're out is the cost of an SD card, which you can use as a thumbdrive if you change your mind.

I'd also recommend checking some of the VGA res phones against the Tilt just to see if you prefer that. Not sure which models are available in the states and what their names are.
You can also check out the screenshots at the Pleco 2.0 Preview Page using this link:
(Note that this link may change in the next few days as the Pleco site is updated to the new version. However, you should still be able to find the link for the Pleco 2.0 Preview Page on the website)

Regarding your other question, as far as I understand it you are only licensed use your copy of Pleco Dict on one device at a time.

Good luck!