Dictionary Legend for Pleco

I'm looking for a dictionary reference for the built-in Pleco dictionary. I found it once I think but I can't seem to find it again. Something to explain what the symbols and abbreviations mean (like the diamond, and "M.", etc.). I know there's the dictionary use manuals for the other dictionaries in the user manual but Pleco's is not included there.



Staff member
CmdrShepardsPie said:
I'm looking for a dictionary reference for the built-in Pleco dictionary. I found it once I think but I can't seem to find it again. Something to explain what the symbols and abbreviations mean (like the diamond, and "M.", etc.). I know there's the dictionary use manuals for the other dictionaries in the user manual but Pleco's is not included there.

I'm afraid there isn't one at the moment - we've changed the format enough from the original printed title that the matter for it no longer applies but we haven't gotten around to writing our own documentation yet. (once the format is a bit more stable we will, though) Sorry.