Default Dictionary for Flashcards

Luo Yang

Is there a way to set teh default dictionary for Flashcards? My palm seems to usually be choosing the ADS as teh default. The problem with this shows up very clearly with the word 藏 (cang2). Here are some of teh definitions for different dictionaries (first definitions given): ADS-Cache CED-to hide away/to conceal UNI-hide, conceal, hoard ABC-hide, conceal OX-hide,conceal

The ADS is teh only dictionary that gives a meaning other than "Hide". The word "cache" and other words in teh ADS are sometimes rarely used.

Is there a way to set the default dictionary or order the dictionaries are searched to bring up a definition when using flashcards?

Edited Post: Or, could a feature be added so that when I am looking at a flashcard if I want to see the definition in a different dictionary I could change it right there and view different definitions?
I would love to be able to have the ABC as teh default since it give more full definitions as well as sentences for how to use the word.

Thank you,


Staff member
This falls into the (very broad) category of things that don't work too well in our text importer (which as I've said before was hastily-designed and tacked on towards the end of development as a way for us to distribute premade flashcard lists). There's no way to do this right now, but in general the importer should mostly stick with whatever dictionary is currently selected in the PlecoDict interface, so if you make sure that ABC is selected before you run the import then you should end up with (mostly) ABC entries.

But this is definitely something we're planning to fix soon, particularly if we sew up a license for a Chinese-Chinese dictionary.

Your other suggestion might be a little harder to implement, but it sounds like it could be doable - fits in nicely with the numerous enhancements we're planning to the flashcard system. Thanks.

Luo Yang

Good to know. Thank you so much. I wanted to fix this on my palm before getting much further (As I am running through around 500 cards a day, which would have given a lot to have to redo). I am very glad to have received your response today and to have some idea of how to fix the problem.

Luo Yang


Staff member
No problem. Though actually, once we fix this, repairing any mis-assigned cards should simply be a matter of exporting them to a text file and reimporting that into PlecoDict (with the correct dictionary priority set) - it might not quite work 100% but it would fix most of them anyway.