Color Schemes


Staff member
So the design for Pleco 2.3 is coming together nicely - we've just come up with a beautiful new layout for the dictionary definition screen that we think you're going to love - but one little area we're still very much undecided on is what colors to use for the toolbars / backgrounds / etc.

It seems clear from the feedback that we need to use something other than our current blue, to the point where we're thinking about changing the default toolbar color even in the soon-to-be-submitted 2.2.4 update, but we're not sure what to change it to. We could simply go to Apple's default blue-gray, or make our "night mode" black toolbars the default in daytime as well, but we're thinking that we might be able to find a third option that works even better.

So: has anybody playing around with the (extremely detailed) Pleco color scheme settings found a combination that they particularly like? Or is there a color of toolbar you've liked from another app that you think might look good for us? (bearing in mind it's going to be sitting next to a lot of other colors due to tone-colored characters and so on)

If you feel like playing around with this a bit, Adobe Kuler is a marvelous tool for finding interesting combinations to try - I'm finding myself strangely drawn to the beach-like combination of dark blue toolbars and very light tan/yellow table and definition backgrounds, though I think it's likely to look weird / jarring enough to enough people that it wouldn't be a good pick for our default color scheme.
I like it the way it is right now. The bluish color the app uses right now is the original Pleco theme. As for Apple's blue-gray, I don't really like it - it will make the app look too dull, while "night mode" is in my opinion pretty much unacceptable, especially during the day. The latter is really rather unpleasant to one's eyes and besides, the black color makes it a bit difficult to distinguish between tone colors.

I would be glad to see how the dark blue combination you mentioned looks like though, as I love darker shades of blue. I will see if I can play around a bit with colors myself and will report back if I find any interesting combinations.

As for the background, I would believe white background with black text is still the optimal solution here because it's easy on your eyes...
I agree with goldyn chyld, especially with regard to night mode being unacceptable. I like the current colour scheme - it's very pleasant.