Cleaning database by removing redundant cards

Hi there,
For a long time (...), I did'nt know that a card can be linked to more than one category.
As a result, when creating a new category, if a character - existing already in a previous category - is needed for the new one, I created a new card instead of assigning a second category (the new one) to this card ...
Question: is there a way to list all existing cards in order to remove redundant cards ?
Thank you.


Staff member
Yes, you can do a search in the Organize Cards screen for 'duplicate cards.' In 4.0 (now in beta testing) there's also a batch command to automatically merge them, so if you don't want to do the work of merging them manually right now you could wait for that and have it be a lot easier.
Great ! I will wait for the V4 then.
Actually, a search following your instructions (Search for "duplicate") shows a thousand entries ...
When will the 4.0 version be launched, please ? Actually, a current problem is the following: if the word, say 和平, is duplicated and appears both in category A and category B, when typing this word in "Dictionary" and requesting to create a card for it, the window "Duplicate Card" appears BUT clicking at "Card Info" in this window only shows one of the two categories, i.e., A or B ( I was expecting that A and B are listed together).
Of course, the list obtained through the search for "duplicate" in the Organize C
Of course, the list obtained through the search for "duplicate" in the Organize Cards screen shows two entries for the word 和平, one for cat A and one for cat B. To resume, any trick for asking Pleco if a certain word is already existing in all current categories - and have these categories shown up !?
Thank you.


Staff member
4.0 is out in beta now, you can sign up for the beta test at You can keep using the old app alongside it - "Pleco Legacy" version - if you're wary of using a beta; however, it's not possible to export data from 4.0 back to 3.0.

Another option you could try would be to export your flashcard database to a text file, back it up, delete it, and then reimport that text file - Pleco should automatically combine the duplicate cards for you on import.