Cheng & Tsui Business Lexicon - How To Buy?


I was excited to see the release of the Cheng & Tsui Business Lexicon, but cannot figure out how to buy it.

Yesterday and today I logged onto "My Orders", but cannot see a link to buy this product. I only see an option to upgrade to the pocketPC version. Am I looking in the right place?

PS. I would also be very, very, very interested in seeing an English-Chinese Science and Technical dictionary!


Staff member
It's listed under "I want to purchase new dictionaries or add-ons for PlecoDict" - the My Orders page is a bit confusing at the moment because the collapsible section JavaScript we were using was incompatible with our new site design (and we're still looking for a replacement). I just logged on to your account and it's definitely listed there now.


Hi Mike,

I cleared My Cache and reloaded the page, but I only see the following options in the plecoDict section:

* I want to reinstall the full version of PlecoDict
* I want to unlock the demo version of PlecoDict
* I want to switch to the Pocket PC version of PlecoDict

I am using Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519


Staff member
Oops, sorry, I was looking at the wrong account. It turns out there was a bug in the My Orders script - it was only displaying the upgrades section when you were missing one of the three older dictionaries (Oxford/ABC/NWP). I've fixed it now, so if you log on again it should work correctly.