Character recognizer interface improvements for Pleco 2.0


This may have been asked before, but are there any plans for improvements to the character recognizer interface for Pleco 2.0?


- Automatically recognize the character after a certain amount of time
- Settings for line width and color
- Selecting the most likely character by default (requiring you to tap on one of the alternatives only if the most likely character is wrong)


Staff member
Your first suggestion is actually already implemented, though it's rather well hidden; go into the "Input" section of the preferences screen and check the box next to "Auto-recognize after:" and that will cause the recognizer to run automatically after a specified amount of time.

The other suggestions are both thing we've gotten a lot of requests for, and at least the latter one is very likely to make it into 2.0 (the former one probably will too, though we tend to put most cosmetic improvements pretty low on our priority list).


I found the auto-recognize option shortly after posting... sorry about that. In most other character recognizers I've tried, the auto-recognize timer does not run when the stylus is kept on the screen. I find this very useful, because I will sometime forget what to write next in the middle of drawing a character.


I'm using a Clie TH55 (Japanese). Holding the pen actually seems to work most of the time, but if I write the first part of the character quite slowly and then pause, the character will usually be recognized right away when I continue. This is probably no big deal once I get used to it... perhaps penpower and decuma reset or prolong the timer when you hold the pen while you just pause it... just a wild guess.


Staff member
The timer is prolonged in our software too; it doesn't start timing until after the pen has lifted. Perhaps it's possible for the pen to momentarily lift and then lower again when you start moving it after holding it still for a while - PenPower has been around for quite a few years, so they may have already built some kind of a workaround for that.