can't import flashcards from


I've been trying to import a flashcard file from my T3 to my wife's E2. I'm using the ABC dictionary, and she is using the Oxford dictionary.

I've tried every combination of files (exporting) and none work. The memo format causes an immediate soft reset.

Here is the error that always comes up when I try to import the file. Pleco has no problem finding the exported text file but when I tap "import", the following comes up:

"Sorry, the data file for the text encoding you have selected cannot be found. Please double-check that you installed it correctly."

This seems rediculous because it was Pleco that found the file in the first place and gave me the option of selecting it to import.


Staff member
This means that you didn't install the text encoding converter file for the encoding you selected. Make sure that the encoding selected in Import matches the one you used in Export on your wife's T3. If it does, run the PlecoDict installer again, and this time, when you get to the file selection screen press "Clear All" and then select only the two "text encoding converter" file options. Or if you used the manual installer, install the files "gb.pdb" and "b5.pdb" from the "Text Converters" folder.


After installing the gb.pdb and b5.pdb on both palms, I can now import the file. However, when I tap "Edit List..." in the flashcards to see what's in the deck, the only thing that shows up is the name of the file!

Here is what I'm doing:
1) Export as Text File; change the name of file to flash4.txt; not "include user entry text"; don't tap on the "Volume"; Encoding "GB-2312"

2) Bluetooth the exported from the T3 to the E2

3) On the E2 tap "Import..." in Pleco.

4) For "From:" I choose "Text File"; for "encoding:" I choose "GB-2312"; for "File Path:" I choose the location of the file and name.

5) Pleco imports the file. However, the only card in the deck is the English name of the file.


Staff member
Hmm... if it's not too much trouble, can you bring up the file (using a document editor like DocsToGo) to see if the flashcard text is actually in there? It would be nice to know if this is an export or an import problem.

And this is probably a stupid question, but I have to ask it anyway: the list you're exporting isn't empty, right? And are you sure that you've selected the correct lists to export in the box at the right side of the screen?

As far as a solution, try exporting/importing in UTF-8 instead. And if that doesn't work, try a PalmDoc file instead of a text file.


The original file (text file 2312) I can view in DTG. However, there is no English definition. Each entry is the character(s) followed by the pinyin.

I exported a UTF-8 and a Palmdoc, but I won't be able to check those until tomorrow.


Staff member
That's normal, the definitions aren't included except in user-created entries. So this must be something to do with the import function... hmm...