Can people upload images onto this forum using iOS?


Not really a Pleco issue, but a Forum issue: I seem to be unable to upload any photos to this forum using iOS8?

I've tried multiple browsers on iOS8 and they all fail in different ways. I've uploaded images in Safari under iOS7 just fine. However, now, the Choose File button often doesn't even function (and I can't even press just tried to highlight it), and when I try other ways, it just hangs while trying to upload.

I'm curious if anybody else is seeing the same issue?



Indeed, many people are, which is why I'm probably holding out for version 8.0.1 or 8.0.2. Here's a rather negative article about the bugs in iOS 8.0, but it seems to be mostly accurate.

Apple may have had to push out 8.0 on that September date, though for such a big upgrade, this is somewhat risky. Of course, I expect Apple to fix every single bug soon, so waiting is all we can do atm.


The new Apple iOS 8.0.2 allows me to upload photos now with a Safari. However, on this forum, I still can't do it from the "Upload a File" button on the main page. I have to use the "More Options..." Button and then upload from there. But at least the file uploads in some manner!