bug when creating flashcards on the fly


I am using Pleco 1.0.3 for PPC on a Dell Axim X51V.
I don't know if this has already been mentioned but when I edit a flashcard that was created "on the fly" the program only gives me the option to close Pleco (X) instead of OK. This is occuring after I have made changes to the flashcard and pressed OK. I am assuming it should bring me back to the flash card manager.


Bug when editing flashcard

Hi, I am suffering from the same problem. After editing a flashcard the only option is to close (x). Is there a hotfix available? Best regards, Dirk


Staff member
Not yet, unfortunately, we've only had a couple of people report problems with this and we're kind of busy trying to get some sort of preview of 2.0 ready. There'll likely be some sort of 1.0.4 release in a couple of months with a bunch of these sorts of fixes along with an export-to-2.0 feature.