Bug or Feature?

I entered "bangongsi" (office) and it found definitions for bang... After many tries, I had to separate the entry into "ban gongsi" or "ban4gongsi" to get to the correct definition. Not a big deal, but the dictionary parsed it to bang-ong-si, so it couldn't find the entry I was looking for...


estudiando said:
I entered "bangongsi" (office) and it found definitions for bang... After many tries, I had to separate the entry into "ban gongsi" or "ban4gongsi" to get to the correct definition. Not a big deal, but the dictionary parsed it to bang-ong-si, so it couldn't find the entry I was looking for...

I believe that your issue is the same issue that I had with Hanguo (Korea) which I posted here: viewtopic.php?t=448

I've quoted Mike's reply below:
mikelove said:
That's because it automatically looks for the longest possible Pinyin syllable match for a particular search query - it's interpreting "hanguo" as "hang uo" unless you specifically stop it after the "han"with a space, punctuation mark, or tone number. It's difficult to do this more intelligently because of the way Pinyin queries are processed (updating after each letter is entered), though if we can find a way to fix this in Pleco 2.0 we certainly will.

Just to let you know, I found that office (ban4gong1shi4 办公室) also has problems in the custom flashcards as I've mentioned here: viewtopic.php?t=708