Wow, lot of responses here... thanks for the feedback, everyone!
Fleminator: the graphical glitches with Char Info are well-known, it's the least mature of our dynamically-laid-out interfaces at the moment. Add to Flash in the component lists is a great idea, and I don't think it would confuse things too much, though we do need to do something about dictionary selection since right now it gives you some pretty weird results if you use while the software is in E-C mode. Floating definitions might also work but that does seem like it might be a little too much UI. Audio doesn't yet work anywhere except the main dictionary interface and flashcards, the programming interface for that is a moving target and we didn't want to keep having to update it in half a dozen different places.
We've basically only tested flashcard import with the HSK lists, so try one of those and see if you have better luck. Best to do it on a new / empty flashcard file, too. The rank migration will basically just map all of those ranks onto the new frequency-weighting "scores", so all of those repetition-spacing values should come over almost exactly, though once they've moved over the software won't be using the same algorithm to update the scores after each test so the intervals will develop differently than they did in 1.0. And that's a good point about profiles, the "scorefile" system is designed to deal with that but that's admittedly rather complicated and we really might benefit from a more streamlined approach.
roddy - great! Not sure about that soft reset on exit business, we haven't seen that at all here - probably something being freed more than once, we did a lot of work in eliminating memory leaks so there may be some redundant and potentially-crash-producing cleanup code in there now.
The Duelist - try deleting your flashcard file (again if you already did) and you should have no trouble creating lots of flashcards in the new one. In Manage Cards, the date field is a little glitchy so go back and manually reset it to, say, all cards created after 1/1/2000 and it should show you your card. And yeah, we do need to do something about the "standard" flashcard interface along with adding the new simplified one.
beirne - glad to hear it. In FileZ you can also look for files with type "PSDB", those are all flashcard or user dict files.
ipsi - yikes, you're right, the creator codes are still the same. We updated the creator code in the debug version but not the release one... anyway, we'll fix this soon but for now if you use FileZ or another file manager utility to change the code to PLEN that should get rid of the conflicts. (you could also open up the .prc file with a hex editor and manually change the first "PLDE" in the file to "PLEN", it's right up in the first hundred or so bytes of data)
Multi-choice still needs some extensive debugging, yes. Not to mention eliminating a few of the more goofy modes, like audio-based multi-choice Pinyin, which is pretty silly/easy if it's changing the syllables along with the tones; even someone who hadn't studied a day of Chinese could probably hear 'wo' and correctly tap on 'wo' instead of 'ni' or 'ta'. For Pinyin flashcards, we're actually thinking about adding a whole separate little mode which drills you on pronunciation without requiring flashcards at all; it's the same ~400 syllables regardless of what level you're at, so just a little extra screen you could go into that would play you random audio selections and ask you to correctly input (or select from multi-choice) the result could be very helpful.
TaiwanSwedey - that's very odd, the data file has definitely been updated to say Beta 2. Any chance you might have accidentally installed the wrong application file? Not sure about that paid components message, maybe it's noticing the fact that we've only released a partial set of audio files so far.
FUmminger - the duplicate unihan was a dumb mistake on our part, the two flies are identical so you don't have to worry about installing both. But glad to hear the unlock at least briefly worked for you... have you tried unlocking, immediately exiting PlecoDict, soft resetting your Palm and then opening again? Does that make it any more likely to "stick"? The "Help" glitch is a known problem, we haven't gotten around to implementing that form yet so right now it doesn't even know to exit when you tap on the appropriate button.
haraldalbrecht - use FileZ to change the creator code of Pleco Engine to PLEN and the launcher problem should go away. Good idea about having a preference for the audio level, it's a bit soft for us too. Custom file paths will definitely come back once we get around to implementing string-based preferences, we may even consider implementing them on Pocket PC to reduce startup time (no reason why Pleco should have to search every directory every time you run it). A slower stroke order setting has actually been requested by a few people so that should definitely happen, and for pen input, have you tried increasing the "search delay" setting in Preferences?