Best looking Pleco PDA


Hey Mike,
I recently bought a iPod Touch, so dragging around my old TX just for the dictionary is a bit of a drag. I am in the market for a new phone, but I really want to choose the best device for Pleco. In your opinion what device will Pleco 2.0 look the best on. Using the iPod Touch has made my TX look like something from the dark ages. The Touch Chinese fonts are beautiful and extremely clear. I am living in Taipei, so we have all the HTC devices as well as the Palm 680, 755 etc.
Any suggestions?




Staff member
For super-smooth fonts at least I'd have to vote for a VGA Pocket PC like the HP iPAQ 210; I don't know if those are available in Taiwan yet, but there several Taiwanese manufacturers making VGA models too so you should be able to find one from somebody.