Automatic Switching of Dictionaries?


I've just noticed something and I'm not sure whether this is normal behaviour or whether this is a "bug" or "feature."

I have the complete bundle of PlecoDict for the PalmOS. I've also added the free unsupported add-in dictionaries. When my language is set to "Chinese" and I type a word in pinyin, I sometimes notice that the dictionary will sometimes automatically switch/change. For example, I will be on the "OXford dictionary" and while I'm typing a search word in pinyin, I will notice that my dictionary will sometimes automatically change to ABC, CED, ADS, USR. I will then try to change it back to Oxford (for example) by clicking on the Language icon/button on the top of my screen and it will refuse to change to Oxford (for example).

I went through the manual and this "feature" doesn't seem to be mentioned (maybe because most of the manual assumes that you only have 1 dictionary installed).

Is this normal?


Staff member
It is normal, but if you don't like it it's easy to fix - check the "Don't switch dictionaries on search" box in the Search panel of Preferences to disable this. The reason this is normally enabled is that we want people to be able to easily access entries from all installed dictionaries (along with any user-created ones) - however, I'll certainly admit that the present implementation is less-than-perfect, since it refuses to let you switch dictionaries and doesn't provide any clear explanation as to why.